User guide ---------- ### Installation ```{include} ../ --- relative-docs: docs/ relative-images: start-after: '' end-before: '' --- ``` ### Profile a Python script Call Pyinstrument directly from the command line. Instead of writing `python`, type `pyinstrument`. Your script will run as normal, and at the end (or when you press `^C`), Pyinstrument will output a colored summary showing where most of the time was spent. Here are the options you can use: Usage: pyinstrument [options] scriptfile [arg] ... Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit --load-prev=ID instead of running a script, load a previous report -m MODULE_NAME run library module as a script, like 'python -m module' --from-path (POSIX only) instead of the working directory, look for scriptfile in the PATH environment variable -o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE save to -r RENDERER, --renderer=RENDERER how the report should be rendered. One of: 'text', 'html', 'json', 'speedscope', or python import path to a renderer class -t, --timeline render as a timeline - preserve ordering and don't condense repeated calls --hide=EXPR glob-style pattern matching the file paths whose frames to hide. Defaults to '*/lib/*'. --hide-regex=REGEX regex matching the file paths whose frames to hide. Useful if --hide doesn't give enough control. --show=EXPR glob-style pattern matching the file paths whose frames to show, regardless of --hide or --hide-regex. For example, use --show '*//*' to show frames within a library that would otherwise be hidden. --show-regex=REGEX regex matching the file paths whose frames to always show. Useful if --show doesn't give enough control. --show-all show everything --unicode (text renderer only) force unicode text output --no-unicode (text renderer only) force ascii text output --color (text renderer only) force ansi color text output --no-color (text renderer only) force no color text output **Protip:** `-r html` will give you a interactive profile report as HTML - you can really explore this way! ### Profile a Python CLI command For profiling an installed Python script via the ["console_script" entry point](, call Pyinstrument directly from the command line with the `--from-path` flag. Instead of writing `cli-script`, type `pyinstrument --from-path cli-script`. Your script will run as normal, and at the end (or when you press `^C`), Pyinstrument will output a colored summary showing where most of the time was spent. ### Profile a specific chunk of code Pyinstrument also has a Python API. Just surround your code with Pyinstrument, like this: ```python from pyinstrument import Profiler profiler = Profiler() profiler.start() # code you want to profile profiler.stop() profiler.print() ``` If you get "No samples were recorded." because your code executed in under 1ms, hooray! If you **still** want to instrument the code, set an interval value smaller than the default 0.001 (1 millisecond) like this: ```python profiler = Profiler(interval=0.0001) ... ``` Experiment with the interval value to see different depths, but keep in mind that smaller intervals could affect the performance overhead of profiling. **Protip:** To explore the profile in a web browser, use {meth}`profiler.open_in_browser() `. To save this HTML for later, use {meth}`profiler.output_html() `. ### Profile code in Jupyter/IPython Via [IPython magics](, you can profile a line or a cell in IPython or Jupyter. Example: ```python %load_ext pyinstrument ``` ``` %%pyinstrument import time def a(): b() c() def b(): d() def c(): d() def d(): e() def e(): time.sleep(1) a() ``` To customize options, see `%%pyinstrument??`. ### Profile a web request in Django To profile Django web requests, add `pyinstrument.middleware.ProfilerMiddleware` to `MIDDLEWARE` in your ``. Once installed, add `?profile` to the end of a request URL to activate the profiler. Your request will run as normal, but instead of getting the response, you'll get pyinstrument's analysis of the request in a web page. If you're writing an API, it's not easy to change the URL when you want to profile something. In this case, add `PYINSTRUMENT_PROFILE_DIR = 'profiles'` to your ``. Pyinstrument will profile every request and save the HTML output to the folder `profiles` in your working directory. If you want to show the profiling page depending on the request you can define `PYINSTRUMENT_SHOW_CALLBACK` as dotted path to a function used for determining whether the page should show or not. You can provide your own function callback(request) which returns True or False in your ```python def custom_show_pyinstrument(request): return request.user.is_superuser PYINSTRUMENT_SHOW_CALLBACK = "%s.custom_show_pyinstrument" % __name__ ``` You can configure the profile output type using setting's variable `PYINSTRUMENT_PROFILE_DIR_RENDERER`. Default value is `pyinstrument.renderers.HTMLRenderer`. The supported renderers are `pyinstrument.renderers.JSONRenderer`, `pyinstrument.renderers.HTMLRenderer`, `pyinstrument.renderers.SpeedscopeRenderer`. ### Profile a web request in Flask A simple setup to profile a Flask application is the following: ```python from flask import Flask, g, make_response, request app = Flask(__name__) @app.before_request def before_request(): if "profile" in request.args: g.profiler = Profiler() g.profiler.start() @app.after_request def after_request(response): if not hasattr(g, "profiler"): return response g.profiler.stop() output_html = g.profiler.output_html() return make_response(output_html) ``` This will check for the `?profile` query param on each request and if found, it starts profiling. After each request where the profiler was running it creates the html output and returns that instead of the actual response. ### Profile a web request in FastAPI To profile call stacks in FastAPI, you can write a middleware extension for pyinstrument. Create an async function and decorate with `app.middleware('http')` where app is the name of your FastAPI application instance. Make sure you configure a setting to only make this available when required. ```python from pyinstrument import Profiler PROFILING = True # Set this from a settings model if PROFILING: @app.middleware("http") async def profile_request(request: Request, call_next): profiling = request.query_params.get("profile", False) if profiling: profiler = Profiler(interval=settings.profiling_interval, async_mode="enabled") profiler.start() await call_next(request) profiler.stop() return HTMLResponse(profiler.output_html()) else: return await call_next(request) ``` To invoke, make any request to your application with the GET parameter `profile=1` and it will print the HTML result from pyinstrument. ### Profile a web request in Falcon For profile call stacks in Falcon, you can write a middleware extension using pyinstrument. Create a middleware class and start the profiler at `process_request` and stop it at `process_response`. The middleware can be added to the app. Make sure you configure a setting to only make this available when required. ```python from pyinstrument import Profiler import falcon class ProfilerMiddleware: def __init__(self, interval=0.01): self.profiler = Profiler(interval=interval) def process_request(self, req, resp): self.profiler.start() def process_response(self, req, resp, resource, req_succeeded): self.profiler.stop() self.profiler.open_in_browser() PROFILING = True # Set this from a settings model app = falcon.App() if PROFILING: app.add_middleware(ProfilerMiddleware()) ``` To invoke, make any request to your application and it launch a new window printing the HTML result from pyinstrument. ### Profile Pytest tests Pyinstrument can be invoked via the command-line to run pytest, giving you a consolidated report for the test suite. ``` pyinstrument -m pytest [pytest-args...] ``` Or, to instrument specific tests, create and auto-use fixture in `` in your test folder: ```python from pathlib import Path import pytest from pyinstrument import Profiler TESTS_ROOT = Path.cwd() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def auto_profile(request): PROFILE_ROOT = (TESTS_ROOT / ".profiles") # Turn profiling on profiler = Profiler() profiler.start() yield # Run test profiler.stop() PROFILE_ROOT.mkdir(exist_ok=True) results_file = PROFILE_ROOT / f"{}.html" profiler.write_html(results_file) ``` This will generate a HTML file for each test node in your test suite inside the `.profiles` directory. ### Profile something else? I'd love to have more ways to profile using Pyinstrument - e.g. other web frameworks. PRs are encouraged!